Sifting through old baggage
Bright Blessings,
Another new Oracle Card - Dreams
What is the best religion?
"What's the best religion? Whatever makes you:
more compassionate,
more sensible,
more detached,
more loving,
more humanitarian,
more responsible,
more ethical.
The religion that will do that for you is the best religion”
And I have to agree with him. Everyone finds their own way to the best religion based on what makes them the best person. And under the framing of the Dala Lama's quote above, all paths lead to the same goal. I tip my hat to all those who seek in earnest. The world will truly be a better place when all people seek to be and become the best people they can be.
Oracle Card deck underway
Bright Blessings,
Lovely blooms in the back yard
Bright Blessings,
My Book "Bristow Spirits on Route 66" is now available in Amazon Kindle format!
My book Bristow Spirits on Route 66 is now available in Amazon Kindle format!
In 2009 I sat down and decided to type up all my ghost experiences and compiled them into a book.
Here is the blurb describing the book:
Every town has its share of ghost stories. This book is a collection of the author's favorite eye witness accounts and personally related tales of spirits on Route 66 in and around Bristow, Oklahoma.
Story topics include:
- A lone cowboy walking eternity away at the stockyards
- Spirit guardian at the Frisco Depot
- Haunted help at a gift shop
- Ghost with a penchant for cleanliness
- Vaporous attendant at gas station ruins
- Sorrowful siren
- Woman astral projects to give comfort
- In time of need, one woman's voice speaks through another
- A match made in heaven - my personal story in the Forward about the Angel that helped me meet my husband
Take control of your life and LIVE it #earthspiritsoul
Bright Blessings,
Look Within
Say what you want -- not what you don't want
Lammas Ritual and the Chirping Gerbil
Relax and enjoy the moment.
I am having a nice relaxing morning. Had a nice breakfast of French toast with hubby. Now I am sitting petting my dog. I think a little incense and meditation would be perfect.
Always remember to relax and enjoy the moment.
Bright blessings,
If you could rid the world of one thing what would it be #ridworldofonething
Bright Blessings
Feel Emotions - They Are Natural
Stay energetically healthy - cry when you need to, laugh, yell, scream, be angry, be happy, recognize worries, examine them, rationalize them and then set them free. Experience your emotions but don't stay emotional.
Shedding a tear and moving on, after all it is just a movie, but it moved me to tears, so I cried and I am not ashamed. And I feel better now. I am human and that is good.
Bright Blessings,
Some Thoughts
Facebook Group
Past / Present / Future
Today I had a good long chat with a friend and he pointed out some really great things. Not all things from the past have to be told, the past is fixed and cannot be changed, and the past is what has shaped us to be the people we are today. So, rather than suppress the past, examine it for what it is and embrace it -- use it for the purpose that it is meant to serve -- recognize that the past has shaped the person that you are today, right now in this moment. Everything behind you got you where you are now. From here, you can review the past, assess it, and then take that information to make decisions now and going forward.
So the bottom line is, the past shapes the now and the now will shape your future. Learn from where you have been and use it to charter where you are going.
And one more thing that I learned: you should be as kind and loving and forgiving to yourself as you would be to anyone else in your life. You deserve it.
Bright Blessings,
Energy Healing
New Instant Chat Room on Forum
Problems, worry?
Sometimes you just have to say, ok enough, not talking about this anymore. Walk away its not a bad thing to do, you also have to look after yourself, you can't allow someone to drag you down and the only way someone can, is if you allow them to. Like stress, the only way you will feel stress is if you allow yourself to feel stress, it is that simple, you have the control over yourself, no one else does, the situation doesn't affect you, you affect yourself.
It can take a bit of time to realize this, you control yourself and what you allow yourself to feel you will feel. Sometimes its not so easy i admit, if my son/daughter hurts themselves i worry, who wouldn't. That is not the type of worry i am talking about.
I would like to say more on this and i will another time, but for now have a great day all.
You are in control of yourself.
How do you cleanse yourself of negative energy?
I also love to do the shower cleansing where while literally in the shower, I visualize the water rinsing every bit of negative icky uggy yucky energy clinging to be being sprayed off and washed down the drain. And
Time to Myself
Some people think you can only meditate if you are in a deep breathing, sitting position, not true at all. Anyone can mediate at any time they wish and if you are new to meditating this is a good thing, for someone new to jump into an hour of sitting and trying to let your mind go isn't really the best thing to do. Just start small and build up, your not going to be a Zen Master over night :)
Fresh Smell of Laundry on the Line
So, I have had a wonderful day bouncing back and forth between working on the computer, watching chic flicks on Netflix and doing laundry. Life is good.
Bright Blessings,
Morning out
Active Thought Meditation #earthspiritsoul
However, in this meditation I do the total opposite. I actually focus on my thoughts. As one appears, I pull it to me, examine it, explore it. I begin dialogue with myself and ask myself about the thought. Why do I think it? Then I explore the thought from all possible angles. Is it something that needs a solution? Or is it just a
Ghost, Gust or Goof? What do you see in these photos?
Question Everything
They will want you to be better than them, do not follow blindly.
Don't listen to me, don't listen to others, first listen to yourself, you will know what is true.
Open your eyes and think/feel for yourself.
Energy Healing
When doing the energy healing it is only right to ask the person if they are comfortable with you placing your hands on them, as you don't need to so its good to tell them about what is going on and what options you have available. Some don't like the relaxing music, that is one thing i have been asked about, when meditating do you have to listen to meditation music? no you don't, you don't have to listen to anything, infact you can meditate to anything you want and at anytime. Its about what is right for you.
Who is Rayven Michaels?
About Rayven Michaels:
The short version: Rayven Michaels is co-owner of Earth Spirit Soul Learning Center with Sol of the U.K. She is a Psychic, Intuitive Advisor, Energy Healer, Dream Interpreter, Oracle Card Reader, Akashic Records Consultant, Clergy, WiseCraft Wicca Teacher and Jewelry Artisan. For a time she worked as an advisor for a psychic network and currently does private psychic readings.
Now for the longer version and I do sincerely hope this isn't deemed as "puffing myself up." It is just my attempt to sincerely answer the question that has been asked. So, here it goes....
The Path of a Seeker of Knowledge
Energy Healing Vigil to Help a Tree
I have a beautiful Pecan tree in my yard that is estimated to be about 150+ years old. It was one of the attractions of buying my house a year ago. We saw at the time of purchase that she had some damage to her trunk but we had no idea the extent of her pain and illness. Not long after we bought the house, high winds came and a HUGE branch dropped off the tree and landed partially on the roof. I'm happy to say that the damage was minimal to the roof. However, this lead to the discovery of the extent of the injury our beloved tree is suffering from. She has bark separation which we now know means that it diminishes her abilities to sustain herself since it is through the membranes under the bark that carry nutrients to the upper portion of the tree. Long story short, our beloved mighty Pecan tree has been diagnosed as dying and dangerous and has been recommended to be cut down. This has caused me tremendous grief and I have cried and cried for this tree. So, now I put out a plea to all the healers, please help by sending loving energy to this tree either so that it may be healed and manage to sustain itself or so that it's spirit can release and know that it was loved and cared for and that its passing was noticed.
Bright Blessings
~Rayven Michaels~
What is Wicca
Wicca (English pronunciation: /ˈwɪkə/) is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and it was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. It draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice.
Wicca is a diverse religion with no central authority or figure defining it. It is divided into various lineages and denominations, referred to as "traditions", each with its own organisational structure and level of centralisation. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some disagreement over what actually constitutes Wicca. Some traditions, collectively referred to as British Traditional Wicca, strictly follow the initiatory lineage of Gardner and consider the term "Wicca" to apply only to such lineaged traditions, while other eclectic traditions do not.
Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and horned god. These two deities are often viewed as facets of a greater pantheistic godhead. However, beliefs range from "hard" polytheism to even monotheism. Wiccan celebration follows approximately eight seasonally based festivals known as Sabbats. An unattributed statement known as the Wiccan Rede is the traditional basis of Wiccan morality. Wicca involves the ritual practice of magic.
The term "Wicca" first achieved widespread acceptance when referring to the religion in the 1960s and 70s. Prior to that, the term "Witchcraft" had been more widely used. Whilst being based upon the Old English word wicca, a masculine term for sorcerers, the actual individual who coined the capitalised term "Wicca" is unknown, though it has been speculated that it was Charles Cardell, who certainly used the term "Wiccen" during the 1950s.
Reiki and Energy Healing
Reiki is a Japanese form of complementary or alternative medicine developed (or rediscovered) during the latter half of the 19th century.
Reiki (霊気, /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which has since been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands on healing as a form of alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies.
Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium.
What i do in my chill out time
Also nice to have some downtime and just chill.
I enjoy messing around with Photoshop and Illustrator in my chill out time.
Communicating Beyond Yes/No Answers
Eventually, okay, probably right away if your are anxious and we usually are!, you will want to communicate with your Guide and get answers beyond yes/no questions. How do we do this? It is a fascinating process and is different for every person. When asking your Guide a complex question that needs more than a "yes/no" answer, be prepared to be alert for any type of response -- release your expectations and open yourself to possibilities. Did you hear a sound in your real world that grabbed your attention? Was it a bird? What type of bird? Was it an insect? What type insect? Or other creature? Did lyrics of a song suddenly pop into your head? Did you think of someone? What does that person mean to you? Did you have a flash of a vision? Did a word come into your mind? Any of these methods are possible and more. Your job is to be aware and receive and then to interpret what you get as it relates to your question. If you got an sound of an animal, or image or thought, research that particular being and see what it symbolizes. As you read the information pay attention to what resonates with you or "makes sense" to you.
First Communication
-- Yes/No Palm Exercise
Ok! So you sense your Spirit Guide now and you are ready to communicate! How do you do this? Here is a simple yes/no technique using your body. Although a pendulum could be used for this same purpose, I choose to use the palm exercise because it lets you interact more directly with your Guide and feel their energy.
Hold your hands in front of you palms up. Designate one hand as "yes" and the other as "no" -- doesn't matter which hand is which as long as you use the same designation each time. I personally designate my right hand
Sensing Your Spirit Guide
Seeing an Aura
Take a white piece of paper and hover your hand just above it.
Then look at your fingers for a few seconds, now look past your fingers at the paper. Relax your eyes.
Slowly you might notice little black and white dots (sometimes you don’t see these). This is fine as it's now starting to appear.
Keep looking but try not to blink or look right at it. It will slowly start to show and you will see a color appear.
This is just a fast way to see your aura. Keep practicing this for a while then move on to a mirror and try to see the aura around you.
Please don’t think you have failed if you see nothing the first few times. It can take time to get used to un-focusing your eyes.
Please be careful do not over do it, you could cause yourself eye strain.
Meditation Techniques
Family is everything -- always find time for loved ones...
Free courses coming soon
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On my walk
Indulging my Gypsy heritage and listening to beautiful gypsy music
Bright Blessings
Tarot and Psychic Work
What is the difference between a Tarot Deck and an Oracle Deck?
When buying a deck of cards for the first time, you may see Tarot cards and Oracle cards in the same area wonder what is the difference. Well, Tarot is a structured system that comes in decks
Life is getting better and better!
Sol and I have been pulling long hours and burning the midnight hour perfecting the school, streamlining our new forum and developing new course ideas. Oh and here is a little bit of news from this little birdie - Sol is designing an Oracle card deck. Can't wait to see what he is up to. Don't tell him I told you.
Free Pagan ebooks from Amazon...enjoy!
Psychic Development course is now available! #earthspiritsoul
Bright Blessings!
Almost Granny x2!
Bright Blessings!
A very nice day
I also attuned someone in Usui Reiki which was a very nice experience as it always is, relaxing and well just all round good time.
Love and healing to all
#Quote: The only way out is through it
Bright Blessings,
Warm Day
Free book from Amazon on kindle Meditation for Beginners
Take a Peek at Our Psychic Development Course Outline #earthspiritsoul
Greetings everyone!
We are so excited about the impending release of our Psychic Development Course. Here is a quick peek at the topics it covers:
History of Meditation
How to Meditate
Meditation Techniques
Visualization Meditation Exercise
Meditation by Sol
Becoming Psychic
Healing to Everyone who desires to accept it
Healing Requests
If you would like to put yourself or others on our Healing Tree, put your request in in a comment on our Facebook Page. All we need is name and location. Bright Blessings and Namaste