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Energy Healing

I healed in the spiritualist church for along time and  i found out it was the same healing as reiki, but the difference being, we didn't use symbols and didn't need any attunements to become a master as that is just a title, do we really need titles to validate ourselves.

I enjoyed my time at the church but it wasn't for me, so i left and went my own way. So i decided to learn Reiki myself and become a reiki master/teacher, still people hung up on titles, not sure why titles seem so important to people, as said above the only real difference is the use of symbols, these symbols are nothing more than a way to give you focus, they hold no power themselves unless you believe them to have power, so it is not necessary to use them in order to heal someone.  You will find the healing will be done without them.

We would take a few moments to ourselves, around 5-10 minutes to sit quiet and calm our minds and ask for the healing energy to be allowed to come through us and to heal those that wanted to accept it, if you wanted we would ask our guides to help us with the flow of energy, say a prayer as you heal to help you focus the energy, it is for all religions and anyone to use and to adapt.  For some visualizing the energy coming from their body and down out their hands also helps, there is no right are wrong way to do this, the energy will find its way, it is what feels right for you
When healing i did not think about it, i would feel it and let it come naturally from me to the person receiving the healing, the energy will flow itself you do not need to think and try to push it onto any given spot.  Just calm your mind and give with love, compassion and feeling.

In this you are calling upon the energy what is within, around and in the universe to assist you. It is about caring, compassion, love and feeling, healing from your heart and meaning it. Passing on the energy to others to help relax and heal them.

Reiki isn't better than other healing styles, they are all the same really, some might disagree but if you think about it, they all use energy to heal (same energy as well), so they are all the same, just done in a different way, so what is the right/best way to do energy healing, the best way is what feels right to you.

The intent to heal.



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