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Lammas Ritual and the Chirping Gerbil

Celebrated Lammas Ritual today. I know it was a bit early but I have a new granddaughter coming soon and daughter has stuff going on next weekend related to her coming so, to balance both events, Lammas celebration was held today.  The actual ritual was simple, and we had bread from the bakery and I had my tiny green shot cups for ale. My "ale" was supposed to be a choice of pure water or herbal tea. Well, if I'd read the labels carefully I would have realized that "sparkling" water meant it was carbonated. Think alkaselzer (plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is -- remember that commercial? is my age showing here?)  if you ever had one, and if you haven't, just think "nasty tasting".  So, lesson learned there. Also, I have a weirdness about drinking from a common cup so I came prepared in case others didn't have a personal cup. All went well and we had the most amazing drum circle afterwards. We were really blessed that the "music lady" showed up with instruments, songs and talent! It was so fun.  I did my best to sing when I knew the words and I couldn't help but laugh when the memory struck me that an old friend had chastised us once a few years ago for singing "so low" -- so low she couldn't hear us.  She said in our efforts to avoid sounding silly, we were sounding like a bunch of chirping gerbils. LOL  She told us to sing loud and proud, the Goddess don't care -- just be joyful!  So, I truly tried to apply myself today.  The results... I sounded like a LOUD and PROUD chirping gerbil. hahaha

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