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Another new Oracle Card - Dreams

I really enjoyed making this card. As you noticed I have gone with sort of a psychedelic feel for the background. The dandelions were a little tough to put on because their little white tufts got lost in the mix so I had to enhance them a bit with shadow so that the white stood out. Somehow the symbolism of blowing the seeds of a dandelion on the wind and make a wish just seemed the perfect representation for this Dream card. I did get a critique though saying that the backgrounds were too similar and that each card needed a bit more individualized. So, I tried changing the tone on this one a bit.  The first card has yellow as a base. The second card has the same pink base as all the previous cards. Hmmmm. I do sort of like the yellow on this one.  However, I am thinking the critique meant a lot more change than just a base color. Looks like I have some more playing to do.

Bright Blessings

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