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Feel Emotions - They Are Natural

I have been watching a series on Netflix that has had me on an emotional roller coaster. I guess you could say that it is sappy to be caught up in a tear jerker. However, emotions are very natural and to deny them creates energy blockages. Sadly, it is easy to be "tough" and "suck it up" and "be strong" and all those catch phrases but the truth is, if we are sad and need to cry, or we are angry and need to yell, then we should do so. I'm not saying grovel and get locked into feeling sorry for yourself or go into a full out rage and smash things or be cruel to people with your anger, but do allow yourself to experience the emotion you are feeling even if you have to find a place alone to do so.  Emotions are types of energy and they need released. If we deny our emotions, we create energy blockages which in turn manifest into physical ailments over time. So, allow yourself to feel ALL emotions, not just joy and happiness, embrace sadness and anger also.

Stay energetically healthy - cry when you need to, laugh, yell, scream, be angry, be happy, recognize worries, examine them, rationalize them and then set them free. Experience your emotions but don't stay emotional.

Shedding a tear and moving on, after all it is just a movie, but it moved me to tears, so I cried and I am not ashamed. And I feel better now. I am human and that is good.

Bright Blessings,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keeping emotions inside is not a bad thing -- the trick is to not deny them. Feel them, experience them and then set them free. They are forms of energy that need to pass through you and release. ;0) As with all things, we learn by doing -- we learn to deal with emotions by experiencing them. And one is never "old" in the soul unless they want to be. I am a 12 year old with 41 years experience. LOL ;0)



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