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Morning out

Sitting in a room this morning with five other people filling out paper work before doing a small literacy test and the amount of paper work involved was silly to say the least, having to repeat what you said in each one and sign this and that over and over, couldn't help thinking this is a pure waste of paper and to top it all off, once you are done you sign for them to destroy what you have just spent a few hours filling out. I asked them, surly there must be another way to do this, all I got back was don’t shoot the messenger we do it cause we have to, so you do as well.
What a waste of time, energy and paper work,  still don’t understand why you need to fill it all out if its getting destroyed once its over, just doesn't make sense to me.  Maybe I am wrong.

While sitting I was able to just let my mind wonder and relax.  Calmed my mind and had a good day. Doesn't matter what you do, you can always relax and calm yourself, you are in control of yourself. I am happy that i'm the type of person that doesn't let very much bother them, after all life is short, so why worry about something.



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